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The Heddlestone Solar Panel Project

Solar Panels and EV charging for the Heddlestone Co-housing Community


The Heddlestone Solar Panels project aims to significantly reduce energy costs for residents while contributing Heddlestone's energy security. With an ambitious goal to install solar panels on every home and on the common house by the end of 2026, the project seeks to pioneer a sustainable model for energy consumption and production in strata communities. A key component of this model involves utilizing the solar energy harnessed to power electric vehicles (EVs), which can act as supplemental batteries, through Heddleston's existing Level 2 charging infrastructure.

Facing the challenge of securing funding, the project is looking into federal and provincial grants, as well as support from organizations such as the Columbia Basin Trus. The intent is not only to empower residents to generate their own clean energy but also to innovate a system where EVs serve a dual purpose: clean transportation and enhancing energy storage capabilities for the smart grid of tomorrow. With a goal to achieve these milestones by the end of 2025, Heddlestone Solar Panels can stand as a testament to community-driven change and a potential blueprint for others to follow.

Problem Statement

In Heddlestone, residents are ocassionally challenged by power outages that disrupt daily activities, highlighting a potential need for a more resilient and independent energy system. These interruptions not only inconvenience the community but also underscore its vulnerability to the existing energy infrastructure's limitations. Furthermore, there is a growing concern among residents about the environmental impact of relying on non-renewable energy sources. Although BC's grid is largely powered by hydro, we often still purchase power from non-renewable sources. As a community that cares deeply about our planet, Heddlestone is eager to reduce its carbon footprint and combat climate change. However, the solutions to these issues have remained elusive, which makes exploring and adopting solar energy important.


  1. Reduce Energy Costs for Residents: Utilize a comparison of electricity bills before and after the installation of solar panels to achieve a significant and measurable reduction in energy costs for Heddlestone residents by the end of 2026.

  2. Promote Energy Independence:

    • Achieve a specific percentage of Heddlestone's energy needs sourced directly from installed solar panels, aiming for energy independence by 2026.
    • Utilize stored energy in solar panels and electric vehicles (EVs) as supplemental batteries to provide emergency power during outages, enhancing the community's resilience.
  3. Environmental Protection:

    • Calculate and aim to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the anticipated solar energy production. Set a tangible goal, such as reducing Heddlestone's carbon footprint by 200 metric tons of CO2 by 2026, demonstrating the project's contribution to environmental sustainability.