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The Kootenay Food Security Project

Creating a detailed report and tracker of the state of the Kootenay Food system.


The 'Understand Food Security' project in the Kootenay region of British Columbia aims to comprehensively gather information on local food security issues through various methods, such as surveys, interviews, public data sets, collaborations with local organizations, and an innovative AI interview platform. This multi-pronged approach seeks to engage communities, stakeholders, and experts to derive actionable insights and recommendations. The project will leverage EarthNet to create and manage sub-projects that respond to the insights gathered, ensuring a dynamic and effective approach to tackling food insecurity. A timeline with key milestones includes preparation, data collection, analysis, launching sub-projects, evaluation, reporting, and a feedback loop to refine and scale successful initiatives.

Problem Statement

In the Kootenay region of British Columbia, there is growing concern about the state of food security, influenced by a confluence of factors that threaten the stability and resilience of the local food system. Climate change impacts are increasingly putting pressure on agricultural productivity, potentially leading to reduced crop yields and a less reliable food supply. Economic barriers such as income inequality and high food costs pose significant challenges for residents, particularly in rural and remote communities, undermining their ability to access nutritious and sufficient food. Geographic remoteness and transportation challenges further exacerbate these accessibility issues, limiting the efficient distribution of food across the region. Community and cultural practices, although rich and diverse, may also affect food practices and contribute to varied levels of food security among different groups. Finally, systemic issues within the local food system's infrastructure make it vulnerable to external shocks, highlighting a critical need for improved resilience and adaptability.

Through a comprehensive analysis involving surveys, interviews, public data sets, and collaborations, the 'Understand Food Security' project aims to illuminate these interrelated concerns. By engaging directly with communities, stakeholders, and experts, the project will seek to develop a nuanced understanding of these challenges and work toward solutions that ensure all residents of the Kootenay region have consistent access to affordable, nutritious food.


  1. Assess Household Food Access: To collect data on how households access food, the diversity of their food choices, and any obstacles they encounter in obtaining food.

  2. Evaluate Nutritional Adequacy: To determine if residents are able to obtain a sufficient and varied diet that meets their nutritional needs.

  3. Analyze Food Affordability: To investigate the impact of food costs on purchasing decisions and the ability to afford healthy food options.

  4. Study Climate Change Effects: To examine the specific ways in which climate change is impacting local agricultural productivity and food supply chains.

  5. Understand Economic Challenges: To explore the relationship between income inequality, food pricing, and the prevalence of food insecurity.

  6. Examine Transportation and Distribution Networks: To look into how geographic remoteness and transportation logistics influence the distribution and accessibility of food.

  7. Explore Cultural Practices: To investigate how cultural and community practices impact food security and eating habits.

  8. Audit Local Food Systems Infrastructure: To collect data on the resilience and state of local food system infrastructure to identify vulnerabilities and areas for improvement.

  9. Quantify Community Engagement: To measure the level of community awareness and involvement in addressing food security issues.

  10. Review Emergency Food Services: To evaluate the availability and effectiveness of emergency food services such as food banks and community kitchens.

These objectives will shape the data collection phase of the project and will be instrumental in the formulation of insights and the subsequent launch of responsive sub-projects aimed at improving food security in the Kootenay region of British Columbia.