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The Healthy Encampment Initiative

Healthier homeless encampments that actually provide a chance for healing.


Our initiative aims to tackle the pressing and complex issue of homelessness by transforming homeless encampments into healthier, safer, and more inspiring environments. Recognizing that these encampments often lack the basic infrastructure that contributes to the dignity and well-being of their residents, we propose to develop systems and products focused on sanitation, modular shelter, nature-based healing, and community engagement. By integrating these solutions, we aim not only to improve the physical conditions of these sites but also to foster a sense of responsibility and community among the inhabitants.

The initiative seeks to pilot this holistic approach in a town within the Kootenay region of British Columbia. By selecting a location with a variety of communities and potential for collaboration, we believe we can create a scalable model that could benefit other regions facing similar challenges. Our ultimate goal is to create encampments that are not just places of temporary refuge but are also conducive to the health, safety, and empowerment of their residents. Through this project, we envision igniting a positive cycle of change, inspiring individuals to engage in their living situations actively and the community at large to support these efforts.

Problem Statement

In the Kootenay region of British Columbia a growing number of homeless encampments tell a story of social and systemic breakdown. Sparked by the intertwined crises of opioid addiction and a severe lack of affordable housing, these encampments have become a stark symbol of despair for many of their inhabitants. Life within these communities is marred by inadequate sanitation, unchecked garbage accumulation, and a pervasive sense of neglect. This environment fosters not only a deterioration of physical health but also deepens the emotional and psychological toll on residents, exacerbating feelings of despair and exclusion. The absence of a sense of pride and community amongst the inhabitants due to these conditions catalyzes a vicious cycle of neglect and decay, isolating these communities further from the broader societal structure.

The Kootenay Healthy Camps Initiative seeks to address these acute challenges head-on by transforming these sites into islands of hope and recovery. By focusing on improving basic infrastructure related to sanitation and modular shelter, the initiative aims to instill a newfound sense of dignity and well-being in these communities. Beyond merely improving physical conditions, the project is geared towards fostering a vibrant sense of community and mutual respect among the residents, thereby rekindling a sense of pride and belonging. The pilot project in East Kootenay strives not only to offer a potential lifeline for its residents but also serves as a cornerstone for broader community engagement and societal integration. Through the cultivation of beautiful, well-managed camps nestled in nature, the initiative envisions sparking a transformation that leads not just to improved living conditions but also facilitates a healing process, bridging divides and nurturing a healthier, more inclusive community.


  1. Improve Sanitation: Introduce portable sanitation facilities, such as portapotties, with regular servicing to enhance health and safety. Explore innovative and sustainable sanitation solutions over time to continuously improve living conditions.

  2. Provide Sturdy and Eco-friendly Shelter: Develop and deploy modular shelters that are durable, comfortable, affordable, and made from natural or eco-friendly materials, ensuring the dignity and safety of the encampment residents.

  3. Foster Community Engagement Through Nature-based Activities: Implement a range of nature-based programming and therapies to promote mental and physical well-being. Encourage environmental stewardship and healing activities to build a strong, inclusive community spirit.

  4. Enhance Food Preparation and Disposal Areas: Establish well-managed food preparation areas with safe disposal systems for food waste to avoid attracting wildlife and ensure a healthy living environment. Explore solutions that minimize environmental im...