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Implementation Strategy

Our project aims to revolutionize the predevelopment phase of affordable housing projects in British Columbia by implementing a multi-faceted strategy that leverages technology, innovation, and streamlined processes to reduce costs, time, and complexity.

  1. Incorporating Advanced Technologies: We will introduce a broad spectrum of technological innovations to enhance the predevelopment phase:

    • Digital Project Management Tools to coordinate project timelines, documentation, and stakeholder communication efficiently.
    • GIS Mapping for precise site selection and environmental assessments.
    • Blockchain Technology to streamline the permissions and approvals process with transparency and security.
    • AI and Machine Learning for comprehensive market and feasibility analysis.
    • Virtual and Augmented Reality for engaging visualizations during stakeholder consultations.
  2. Streamlining Funding Systems: At the heart of our initiative is the creation of a dedicated predevelopment fund, accessible through an expedited application process. This fund will feature:

    • A Simplified Online Application Process that's easy to navigate, ensuring broad accessibility.
    • Tiered Funding Availability based on project size and anticipated impact, prioritizing projects with the greatest potential benefit.
    • Transparent and Objective Approval Criteria, including the project's feasibility, impact, and readiness.
    • A Fast-Track Option for projects that demonstrate exceptional potential for positive community impact.
    • Constructive Feedback for applicants not moving forward, fostering an environment of growth and continuous improvement.
    • Regular Reviews of the funding system to adapt to emerging needs and trends, ensuring the initiative remains effective and responsive.

Our holistic approach is designed to not only streamline the currently cumbersome and costly predevelopment phase but also to inspire and empower a diverse array of stakeholders—including developers, social service organizations, and government entities—to initiate and contribute to the development of affordable housing projects. Through collaborative partnerships and the strategic application of technology, we aim to significantly increase the availability of safe, secure, and affordable housing in British Columbia, setting a precedent for future initiatives in other regions.


Initial Stage: Stakeholder Engagement & Technology Research (Months 1-3)

  • Months 1-3: Identify and engage with key stakeholders, setting up advisory groups and gathering input through meetings and surveys. Concurrently, outline technological needs and innovations, conducting research on available technologies and potential vendors.

Preliminary Planning (Months 4-5)

  • Month 4: Develop a strategic blueprint, outlining objectives, timelines, desired outcomes, and key deliverables.
  • Month 5: Finalize the planning of the funding model, online application process, and tiered funding structure.

System Development (Months 6-9)

  • Months 6-9: Develop the digital infrastructure, including the online application portal, blockchain integration for transparency, AI for analysis, digital project management tools, and GIS mapping.

Proof of Concept (Months 10-12)

  • Months 10-12: Implement the developed technologies and processes on a small scale, evaluating their effectiveness and making necessary adjustments.

Pilot Projects (Months 13-18)

  • Months 13-18: Launch pilot projects to test the framework under varied conditions, continuously monitoring and refining based on feedback and performance.

Review and Scale (Months 19-24)

  • Months 19-24: Perform a comprehensive review of pilot projects, finalize the system, and begin broader implementation across BC.

This timeline ensures a step-by-step approach, starting with foundational work in engagement and research, followed by development and testing phases, culminating in a final review and scaling stage. It's a structured yet flexible roadmap designed to enable the project to develop, test, and refine innovative solutions systematically before a full roll-out.