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Build the EarthNet Platform

Creating a Social Action Network for solving Climate Change and other collective action problems.


'Build EarthNet' is a project led by Base6 aimed at developing and nurturing a social action network aimed at a vast array of collective action challenges such as climate change, public health, education, and community development. The project's primary mission is to create an online platform that hosts an ecosystem of projects, organizations, community networks, resources, and events, all supported by an advanced context-aware AI system.

With an ambitious timeline targeting an MVP launch to key partners and a beta launch to a wider audience, 'Build EarthNet' aims to have EarthNet accessible to everyone by January 2024. We then aim to grow the network through a self-reinforcing loop, banking on the platform's utility and positive community impact to fuel recommendations and project-based public engagement, though it is still exploring avenues for sustainable funding and financial strategy.

Active user participation is crucial to the platform's success, with the project prioritizing useful and healthy network dynamics over traditional volunteer roles.

Problem Statement

The challenge of effecting social change, particularly in diverse areas such as climate change, biodiversity loss, affordability, and inequality, begins with the foundational difficulty in articulating clear and manageable problems and solutions. Currently, individuals and groups aiming to initiate social action projects face significant barriers, which impede their progress from the very outset.

Firstly, the problem definition phase is often nebulous, which leads to a lack of clarity and makes it difficult to garner support. Without a well-defined purpose, projects struggle to take off.

Secondly, the feedback mechanisms in place are arduous and unreliable. Time-intensive processes do not guarantee valuable insights, especially from those most affected by these social issues, thus failing to establish an effective feedback loop that could drive project refinement and success.

Further compounding these challenges is the endeavor to secure funding. The substantial time investment required to even begin the funding process, including grant applications and fundraising, can be daunting. This significant upfront commitment leads to a discouragement of participants, preventing potential projects from ever starting.

Overall, the primary issue surrounds the concept of momentum— or rather, the lack of it. From articulating an engaging idea that draws in early supporters to maintaining their engagement and accessing necessary funds, the hurdles are manifold and interconnected. This intricate maze of obstacles stifles the birth and growth a transformative shift in the landscape of social action, making it more accessible, effective, and impactful for those committed to tackling the monumental challenges of our era.

The endeavor to foster social action is as daunting as it is noble. Success in this space requires not just passion and vision, but also a pragmatic approach to overcoming the practical hurdles that currently inhibit progress. By concentrating on these strategic areas of improvement – defining goals, streamlining feedback, simplifying funding access, and sustaining project momentum – EarthNet seeks to revolutionize the framework within which social change can occur, ultimately contributing to a world where action is not only inspired but also perpetuated and realized.


1. Comprehensive Project Planning and Clarity:

  • Utilize a Long-Large Model (LLM)-powered chat to assist users in crafting a well-rounded vision and project plan.
  • Establish dedicated project web pages featuring LLM chatbots for guidance - and user engagement through project conception and execution.

2. Enhanced Feedback Mechanisms:

  • Implement project-dedicated Feedback Chatbots to gather comprehensive and empathetic user feedback.
  • Synthesize user feedback through an Analysis LLM, providing sentiment analysis, feedback highlights, and actionable recommendations.

3. Streamlined Funding Access:

  • Develop tools to matchmake projects with appropriate funders and vice versa, fostering adaptability to each party's needs.
  • Facilitate rapid iteration of project proposals to respond to funder feedback and requirements more dynamically.

4. Sustainable Project Momentum:

  • Deep integration of an LLM to save time and effort in connecting individuals with projects, collaborators, supporters, and funders.
  • Focus on the platform's utility and ease of use to encourage active user participation and sustain engagement.
  • Design the platform to be inherently shareable, promoting virality and organic growth through user referrals and social sharing.


The "Build EarthNet" project is spearheaded by Rik Logtenberg and Blaine Cook, who are not only the founders of Base6 but also serve as the project's driving forces, with Rik as CEO and Blaine as CTO. As software developers and principles at Base6, they bring a hands-on approach to the development and strategic vision of the EarthNet platform. Rik and Blaine embody a collaborative leadership style, deeply involved in the coding and design aspects of the project, while being highly open to collaboration with others who share their vision for a socially impactful network. They hold the reins on decision-making, guiding the project's direction with a blend of technical expertise and a shared vision for fostering collective action on a wide array of challenges such as climate change, public health, and community development. At this stage, all leadership roles and major decisions rest with them, ensuring a unified approach towards achieving the ambitious goal of making EarthNet accessible to everyone by January 2024.