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Implementation Strategy

Phase 1: Acquiring the Space and Fundraising

  1. Identifying and Securing a Location: The initial step involves scouting for a suitable location in Nelson, BC, that can accommodate the diverse range of activities planned for the maker space. Considerations will include size, accessibility, and the potential for future expansion. Engaging with the local community, government, and businesses early in this process could reveal partnership opportunities or offers of donated space.

  2. Fundraising and Resource Acquisition: Concurrently, a multifaceted fundraising campaign will be launched with the aim of securing the necessary funds to purchase high-quality woodworking tools, advanced manufacturing equipment, and to cover the costs associated with refurbishing and equipping the space. This campaign may include:

    • Grant applications targeting organizations that support community development, innovation, and sustainability.
    • Crowdfunding initiatives to engage the wider community and give them an opportunity to contribute financially while raising awareness of the project.
    • Partnerships with local businesses and industry, potentially securing equipment donations or sponsorships in exchange for promotional opportunities or future collaboration.
    • Events and workshops that not only serve to raise funds but also to showcase the potential impact of the maker space on the community.

Phase 2: Operational Setup and Program Development

Once the location is secured and initial funding acquired, the focus will shift to setting up the maker space and developing its programs:

  • Setting up the Space: This includes purchasing and installing the woodworking tools and advanced manufacturing equipment, creating workstations, and ensuring the space is safe and accessible to all members of the community.
  • Program Development: Developing the educational workshops, waste reduction strategies, and training programs detailed previously. Additionally, forming the engagement strategies to ensure inclusivity and community involvement will be initiated.

Phase 3: Opening and Ongoing Operations

With the space setup and programs in place, the maker space will open its doors to the Nelson community. This phase focuses on the day-to-day operations, continuous improvement of programs based on feedback, and further community engagement and fundraising to ensure sustainability and growth.

This phased approach allows for a systematic progression towards the full realization of the Nelson Needs a Maker Space project, with priority given to foundational needs such as securing a location and fundraising.


Phase 1: Acquiring the Space and Fundraising

  1. Start scouting for locations: Begin one month after kickoff, allowing for preliminary organization and research.
  2. Decision-making deadline: Set for three months after starting, to thoroughly evaluate each option and engage with the community.
  3. Finalize lease or purchase: Aim to complete within one month of making the decision, factoring in negotiations and paperwork.

Fundraising Campaign:

  1. Initiate campaign: Starts concurrently with location scouting.
  2. Grant applications: First round to be submitted within two months from campaign start.
  3. Crowdfunding launch: To be launched one month after campaign starts.
  4. Partnership outreach: Begin early but aim for agreements around the four-month mark.
  5. Events and workshops: Start one month after crowdfunding to maintain momentum.
  6. Securing necessary funds: Target to secure within six months from the beginning of the campaign.

Phase 2: Operational Setup and Program Development

  1. Start of Space Setup: Begins immediate... BusinessException but aim for completion by the end of the tenth month.

Phase 3: Opening and Ongoing Operations

  1. Official Opening: Planned for the start of the eleventh month post-kickoff.
  2. Initial Months of Operations: Focus on member welcoming and feedback-driven adjustments, with ongoing operations including regular community check-ins and continuous improvement efforts based on feedback.

Budget Overview

Phase 1: Budget Overview

Acquiring the Space

  • Lease/Purchase: Given the space at 303 Vernon Street is hoped to be donated, we've budgeted $10,000 for incidental costs associated with finalizing the donation (e.g., legal fees, documentation).

  • Improvements to the Space: $400,000, detailed as follows:

    • Insulation: $100,000
    • Fire Safety Improvements (including sprinklers, alarms, etc.): $200,000
    • General Refurbishments (painting, minor repairs): $100,000

Fundraising and Resource Acquisition

  • Grant Applications & Crowdfunding (GoFundMe) Setup: $15,000 to cover operations including labor, promotional material, and marketing.

  • Low-Interest Loans: Target of $500,000 noted as part of the financial strategy, to be repaid from co-op membership fees.

  • Equipment Donations: Actively seeking woodworking and advanced manufacturing equipment donations. For items not obtained through donations, allocate a portion of the raised funds (initial expenditure estimate to be refined based on donations received).

Preliminary Total for Phase 1: $425,000 (excluding loans and assuming space donation)