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Nelson Railtown Artist Village

Affordable, adaptable live-work spaces for artists in Nelson, BC.


In Nelson, BC, where the cost of living has made it increasingly difficult for artists and craftspeople to find affordable housing and studio space, a visionary project is taking shape. This initiative seeks to build affordable live-work spaces that are as versatile as the artists themselves. These spaces are designed to be adaptable, catering to a wide range of artistic disciplines, and will include community areas for collaboration and showcasing work, sustainability features to minimize environmental impact, and high-speed digital infrastructure to support both traditional and digital arts. By ensuring these spaces remain accessible, the project aims to nurture a vibrant, creative community that enriches Nelson’s cultural landscape.

To bring this ambitious vision to life, the project will leverage a mix of funding sources, including arts and culture grants, partnerships with real estate developers interested in socially responsible projects, crowdfunding campaigns, local business sponsorships, community bonds, and collaborations with educational institutions. This multifaceted approach not only secures the necessary financial backing but also builds a broad base of support, ensuring that the project is deeply rooted in the community it seeks to serve. With a commitment to inclusivity, sustainability, and innovation, this initiative promises to offer a haven for artists and craftspeople, making Nelson a beacon for artistic communities everywhere.

Problem Statement

In Nelson, BC, the high cost of living and a dire shortage of affordable housing and studio spaces that cater to artists threatens the vibrancy and sustainability of our arts community. This situation not only stifles creativity but also risks the disintegration of a once-thriving artistic community. The challenges are manifold: exorbitant real estate prices make it difficult for artists with fluctuating incomes to find stable and suitable spaces to live and work; gentrification pushes them out of neighborhoods they have helped revitalize, and there is a general lack of resources and infrastructure to support both traditional and digital arts.


  1. Support a Diverse Community of Creators: Provide affordable live-work spaces designed to accommodate a wide range of artistic disciplines, including visual and digital artists, craftspersons, musicians, writers, performing artists, and others.

  2. Promote Sustainability: Implement sustainable building practices by using mass timber, installing green roofs, and achieving high energy efficiency (Step Code 5) to minimize the environmental impact.

  3. Foster Collaboration and Exposure: Create mixed residential-commercial zones where artist residences can also function as storefronts, enabling artists to showcase and sell their work directly from their living spaces and fostering a direct connection with the community.

  4. Cultivate Community Engagement: Develop shared facilities like galleries, workshops, and event spaces within the Artist Village to promote collaboration among artists and showcase their work to the wider community.

  5. Leverage Multifaceted Support: Build partnerships with local businesses for sponsorships, educational institutions for collaborative educational programs, and real estate developers for socially responsible development, ensuring the project's long-term sustainability and integration into the local economy.

  6. Inclusivity and Accessibility: Ensure that the Artist Village remains accessible to a diverse range of artists, with a focus on inclusivity and innovation, making it a beacon for artistic communities everywhere.